Wow! I haven't posted since August? Where does time go? First and foremost, Congratulations fellow Democrats on our victorious win! It wasn't even close! How wonderful that Americans were not swayed by Insane McCain and that gun-totin' hockey mom! How strange yet wonderful it will be to see Barack Obama on the television! I was quite moved by Ruth's post when she said that Otis will never know how monumental or how extraordinary it is to see a minority or a woman run for President of the United States. It is my hope that this is a great move forward. Secondly, I've learned enough french to now know what those crazy Frenchmen who attacked me were saying! Un gateau de cadeau or roughly translated, "a gift cake". And yes, I was so traumatized by the event that I remember what they said and I've taken up French lessons.
A lot has been happening since August. Jake and Ruth had a bouncing baby boy, that, by the looks of him lately will soon overtake my brother and sister-in-law with his sheer size! Good Grief that child is humongous! The boys are Seniors in high school and we are counting down the days till graduation and freedom! Stefan has been very sickly this year. He had mono this summer, strep throat, and most recently what looked to be hand-foot-and mouth disease. He managed to score a 32 on his ACT's this last October! That's 2 points higher than he scored last June! Way to go Stefan! Now, if he would just apply it! The boys also recently had their Senior pics taken which we have yet to get ordered. Oh yeah, and in light of the recent economy I've learned to bake bread, which I might say so myself, I am very good at! Who knew? I don't have a lot of new pics to post...but I'll add some because everyone likes looking at pictures. Hopefully, I'll get around to posting after Thanksgiving. There will be many family members here to take embarrassing photos of!