Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and got to spend it the way they wanted. We had a very nice holiday. Christmas Eve we went to mother's house, where I am pretty sure she fed us goat meat, but she says it was a deer roast. Whatever, it was still pretty good. She has a lot of downed limbs from the storm, but Mark and his friend Tim cut them up and made nice piles of them until we can get them moved out of her yard.
Christmas morning, Mark's parents came over for present exchange and brunch. I made them stuffed french toast with fresh cranberries and mimosas. I was a little unsure about fresh cranberries, but it was really good. Too bad you missed it.
That afternoon, we went to Dad's house to open gifts and eat lunch. Shannon was there from Texas along with Brad, Kristi and the boys and my sister Aryielle. We ended the day with a game of Cranium, which of course, Mark and I rock at. The last pic is a pic of Dad portraying the movie "Exorcist". He's such a good actor! HA!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

My Brother Sucks and So Does Ice.

I was informed that my blog sucks by my brother who said, and I quote, "you blog sucks".
On December 11th, a huge ice storm came through and we have been without power for the past few days. It sucked. I didn't take pics of us without power, but here is a pic of trees with ice, which BTW caused the problem. I would also like to call your attention to the obviously
sucky person in the middle of the last pic. That is my brother.
Go ahead, tell me my blog sucks Jake!