After the flint hills, it was on to Devil's Tower in Wyoming. You can see how cooperative my family was being when I asked them to pose at the Wyoming state sign. Boys. Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em. At this point, we were all getting a little cranky and wanted to kill each other in the car, so we made a lot of pit stops. We saw some interesting Wyoming wildlife on the side of the road.
We finally made it to Devil's Tower. We stayed in a little KOA cabin which is on the first Yellowstone post. I have been there before, but Devil's Tower is always fascinating to see. Driving there, you come over a large mountain and there it stands, in the middle of nowhere, it really is awesome to see. The boys wanted to know how Devil's tower came to be. So, I began to tell them the story of how three Indian children were being chased by a giant bear. The children climbed onto a big tree stump in an attempt to get away. Of course, a gigantic bear can climb a small tree stump, so the tree stump rose out of the ground, higher and higher until the enormous bear could not reach them. My kids rolled their eyes toward Heaven, and asked me to tell them how it REALLY got there. Okay, Devil's Tower is an ancient volcanic core which, over hundreds of years, has been exposed by the erosion of the mountain surrounding it. Gee, that's just not as interesting as the Indian fable, but whatever.
That night, the KOA showed the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" on a large T.V. outside. It was freezing, but fun. The boys had never seen the movie, and thought it was really hokey, but inside I know they loved it. What I loved about that night was the Milky Way. I haven't been able to see it for years since I live in town. The boys thought it was cloud cover, they couldn't believe that we were looking at our own galaxy. We were all awestruck. Well, I'm about halfway done with our Yellowstone adventure, and then I will start to update on some real time events. Here's a pic of the boys, they just LOVE posing for the camera!