This summer we spent our family vacation in yellowstone. Knowing how much I LOVE camping, my husband rented cabins at KOAs along the way. We also thought that it would be REALLY fun driving there. Nothing like family quality time with two grown teenagers in a Nissan Altima!
Our first stop was at the Badlands in South Dakota. I wanted to stop at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation, so we took an adventurous detour on a non-maintenance road.
I thought it would be an interesting learning experience for the kids. Did I mention I have teenagers? Yeah. They were not impressed. Anyway, after that it was on to the Badlands. The boys tried to kill themselves by climbing everything in sandals. Here's some pics.

If you are wondering what the sign says...it says, "Beware of Rattlesnakes". Isn't that great?
Our cabin in South Dakota was really nice. It had two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a little living space. However, there was no air conditioner. That doesn't really matter in the flint hills, because it gets pretty chilly at night. Oh, the other nice part? Dead Indians in our backyard. Now, I told my kids they better knock off their nonsense while we were on the reservation, but of course, they don't listen. I was beginning to freak out a little.
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